
How Does Oracle Change Data Capture Work

  Oracle Change Data Capture (CDC) is a feature of the Oracle database that detects and captures any changes made to the Oracle database including mentions, deletions, and updates. This technology is apart of the Oracle replication process. Oracle CDC identifies and notes changes made to data in the relational format that is suitable for use in applications such as ETL, EAI, and more. Further, Oracle Change Data Capture is a cost-effective solution for organizations as it extracts and loads data into the data warehouse or other data storage repositories in real-time. Hence, there is no need to refresh full data in bulk whenever any modifications are made at the source. There are two types of Oracle CDC. Each has different characteristics and businesses have to select one that matches their needs. ยท         Synchronous Change Data Capture: It is done through triggers that are inserted into entries whenever data is modified in change table. T...

Journalizing Modes and Benefits of Oracle CDC

  Oracle Change Data Capture helps in real-time data integration across enterprise networks. This improves the availability as well as performance of databases and speeds up data warehousing activities. This technology is often used in conjunction with other technologically-advanced tools and non-intrusive and efficient methods to carry out important replication activities with Oracle Change Data Capture . These activities include migrating databases to the cloud without stopping in-hand work or system downtime and off-loading queries for analytics from databases in production to data warehouses. Benefits of Oracle Change Data Capture One of the main benefits of Oracle Change Data Capture is that it comprehensively includes multiple activities like Update, Insert, and Delete along with all values that exist before and after the changes have been completed. Further, Asynchronous CDC can be configured suitably to ensure minimal impact on the source database. CDC includes DBMS_C...